In 2010, Dr. Jennifer Krasnoff (aka Dr. Jen) a prominent San Francisco Bay Area Dermatologist, began intensive athletic training after her father, Norton, died of cholangiocarcinoma, a rare, aggressive form of liver cancer. He was a lifelong athlete, even training on the treadmill weeks before he passed.
Dr. Jen, inspired by her father’s commitment to exercise and fitness, committed to doing the Avon walk (50 miles in 2 days), dedicating her training and fitness to her dad, while raising money for breast cancer. She knew that prolonged outdoor training required much better alternatives to sunscreen, as she could not adequately use enough and reapply frequently enough to protect her skin during her 3-4 hour stints outside.
She chose long sleeve athletic attire to maximize her sun protection, often sacrificing comfort and style. Her athletic partners sported tanks and tees, but knowing the aftermath of extensive harmful UVA and UVB rays- actinic keratoses (pre-cancers), squamous cell carcinomas, basal cell carcinomas and melanoma, and the unsightly changes of actinic damage (lentigines or brown spots and thin, wrinkly skin), she set forth to create a new protective product in athletic wear that her fellow athletes, patients, family, and friends could not only tolerate, but look forward to wearing.
She designed lightweight, fashion-forward, UV protective sleeves to spruce up her own athletic wardrobe.
With her 25 years of experience as an accomplished, board-certified dermatologist, she treats thousands of patients who can truly benefit from such a product, as sunscreen is not a working option for the outdoor die-hards. Women and men complain about applying greasy sunscreen which ends up in unwanted places – irritating the eyes or staining clothing. Furthermore, people have a false sense of security when using sunscreen, as they unknowingly apply it improperly-too little and not frequent enough. Sunscreen requires maintenance to ensure adequate protection; a sun sleeve preserves the skin all day without any fuss!
Both skin reactions and skin diseases prevent proper use of sunscreen.
“Many people have “allergies” to elements within sunscreen and inexpensive hypoallergenic, elegant sunblocks are hard to find. My patients with atopic dermatitis and psoriasis have difficulty finding a sunscreen that doesn’t sting and burn, and furthermore, sunscreen does not hide their unsightly rashes”
Whether it is the chronically tanned person with lentigines (brown spots), ecchymoses (large purple bruises on paper-thin sun damaged skin), or someone with keloids, surgical scars, vitiligo, there are many people with reason to seek better sun protective choices that ensure adequate protection with less maintenance and nontransparent coverage.
“For many of my patients, Dr. Jen’s UVRx sun sleeves will not only be a way to reap the benefits of sun protection in a stylish and comfortable way but also a means of covering up embarrassing skin lesions.”
Unforeseen uses of Dr. Jen’s UVRx Sun Sleeves:
During the recent Coronavirus pandemic, Dr. Jen has heard from her patients and customers that they have been grateful for their sleeves protecting them from touching unclean surfaces and rubbing up against “contaminated” surfaces. Even an ER doctor has used Dr. Jen’s UVRx to protect the surface of his arms between his gloves and scrubs.