Sun Stories

Dr. Jen’s blog about sun awareness

Education Jennifer Krasnoff Education Jennifer Krasnoff

Put Your Arms on Your Radar

If you haven’t seen my arm gallery on this website, please check it out now. Once the skin displays these sun damage changes, one needs to dedicate much time, effort and money to reversing these effects of bad sun habits.

I see exaggerated sun damage on the outer arms, at the edge of the short-sleeve cut off line (on the upper arm above the biceps muscle), and at the wrist and hands. I call these regions the “Forgotten Zone.”

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Education Martin Ferrini Education Martin Ferrini

ABC’s of Skin Cancer Awareness

A: Avoidance

Sun avoidance is key. I don't mean that you can't go outside, but for example, I mean avoid the sunny side of the street, seek the shade, rest under a tree or awning. Avoid lingering in the sun.

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